Is Your Home's Garage Door Winter Ready?

My name is Everett Mason and last year I decided to have a large garage constructed so I wouldn't have to park my vehicles outside. When it was time to choose the garage doors for the building, I did a lot of research first because I didn't know anything about garage doors. Through my research, I learned about the different kinds that are available and I also viewed photos of the various styles that are made. I wanted garage doors that were durable and low maintenance, but also attractive. I am very pleased with my garage doors and I'm glad that I took the time to research them first. Before choosing your garage doors, read my blog so you'll be able to get the best ones for your needs.

Is Your Home's Garage Door Winter Ready?

27 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

The garage is often overlooked by homeowners in their assessments of their homes' energy efficiency. However, the garage is an extension of the home and can have a tremendous impact on how efficient a home is. Therefore, it is important to take measures before winter arrives to ensure your garage door is as energy efficient as possible. Here are some tips to get you started.

Clean and Seal the Door

Throughout the year, your garage door can collect leaves, dirt, dead bugs, and other debris. As the buildup occurs, the seal on your door can experience wear and tear. Before you take any other action, you need to remove the dirt and other debris from the door. You can use a stiff broom. You should also wash the door using soapy water.

Once the door is dry, it is time to seal it. The sealant you choose should be water-resistant. A silicone-based caulk will not only help to keep moisture out of your garage, but will help to reduce some of the air leakage from the room.

Insulate the Garage Door

The garage door opening is basically a wide area that air can flow freely out of and into your home. Even when the garage door is closed, it is likely not enough to sufficiently stop the flow of air. The result is a higher energy bill for you.

To reduce the air flow, you need an insulated door. If you are planning to replace your garage door before winter, talk to your garage door pro about choosing an insulated door this time. If you are not getting a new door, you can have an insulation kit installed on your door. Even foam board installed over the back of the door could help with the air leakage.

Inspect the Door's Hardware

The garage door's hardware also plays a role in how energy efficient it is. When the hinges, springs, and bolts are loose, they do not operate as efficiently. The lack of efficiency could mean drafty air getting into your garage. Worse yet, some parts of the door could start to warp when moist air is let in.

To make sure your door is at its best, have it inspected before the cold weather hits. A garage door service can not only check the hardware to ensure it is in good condition, but he or she can update it if necessary. 

About Me
Selecting The Right Garage Doors

My name is Everett Mason and last year I decided to have a large garage constructed so I wouldn't have to park my vehicles outside. When it was time to choose the garage doors for the building, I did a lot of research first because I didn't know anything about garage doors. Through my research, I learned about the different kinds that are available and I also viewed photos of the various styles that are made. I wanted garage doors that were durable and low maintenance, but also attractive. I am very pleased with my garage doors and I'm glad that I took the time to research them first. Before choosing your garage doors, read my blog so you'll be able to get the best ones for your needs.
