Have An Old Garage Door? How To Know If It Is Time To Replace It

My name is Everett Mason and last year I decided to have a large garage constructed so I wouldn't have to park my vehicles outside. When it was time to choose the garage doors for the building, I did a lot of research first because I didn't know anything about garage doors. Through my research, I learned about the different kinds that are available and I also viewed photos of the various styles that are made. I wanted garage doors that were durable and low maintenance, but also attractive. I am very pleased with my garage doors and I'm glad that I took the time to research them first. Before choosing your garage doors, read my blog so you'll be able to get the best ones for your needs.

Have An Old Garage Door? How To Know If It Is Time To Replace It

29 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

As a homeowner with a garage, it is vital that you are well aware of the signs that may tell you that you have a garage door that is in need of replacement. It is best to make sure that you are taking the time to review the following points. This way, you will know when it is time for a new garage door installation before the problem gets out of hand and you are stuck with a door that causes you more harm than good.

The Door Panels Are Flimsy

Whether you have an old wooden garage door, or the door is made from metal, if there are individual panels in the door that are starting to look terrible, you need to inspect them a little further. Are you able to push in on them at all? Do the panels shake or pop out some when the door itself is moved? Can you stand in the dark garage with the door shut and see some sunlight shining through the panels anywhere, even if it is just a little bit? Those are all signs that the panels of the garage door are failing and it is now becoming a security issue for you. The more fragile the panels are, the easier it will be for anyone to simply knock them out and then gain entry to your garage. Therefore, once you notice such problems, you will want to call for a garage door installation expert to assist you.

The Door Is Letting Too Much Air Pass Through It

It might be that there is a large crack in the garage door. Then again, there might be a lot of little cracks that you can barely notice unless you are really looking for them. Of course, it could be that all of the seams in the door, such as around old panels or windows, are old and failing. Once your garage door is no longer energy efficient, it is time to have it replaced. Therefore, if you have started to notice that it is much colder in your garage during the winter than it used to be, or you find that the garage heater is having to work extra hard to heat that space, you will want to get in touch with a contractor who can install a brand new garage door for you.

Do make sure that you are taking the time to find a reputable garage door contractor in your area.

About Me
Selecting The Right Garage Doors

My name is Everett Mason and last year I decided to have a large garage constructed so I wouldn't have to park my vehicles outside. When it was time to choose the garage doors for the building, I did a lot of research first because I didn't know anything about garage doors. Through my research, I learned about the different kinds that are available and I also viewed photos of the various styles that are made. I wanted garage doors that were durable and low maintenance, but also attractive. I am very pleased with my garage doors and I'm glad that I took the time to research them first. Before choosing your garage doors, read my blog so you'll be able to get the best ones for your needs.
