Is It Time To Replace Your Garage Door? These Signs Could Mean Yes

My name is Everett Mason and last year I decided to have a large garage constructed so I wouldn't have to park my vehicles outside. When it was time to choose the garage doors for the building, I did a lot of research first because I didn't know anything about garage doors. Through my research, I learned about the different kinds that are available and I also viewed photos of the various styles that are made. I wanted garage doors that were durable and low maintenance, but also attractive. I am very pleased with my garage doors and I'm glad that I took the time to research them first. Before choosing your garage doors, read my blog so you'll be able to get the best ones for your needs.

Is It Time To Replace Your Garage Door? These Signs Could Mean Yes

1 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

In the hierarchy of a home, it's safe to assume that garage doors fall rather low on the list. For this reason, it's often hard for the average homeowner to recognize the signs that indicate it's time update their door. Make sure you aren't included in this group. Knowing when to replace an old door can shield you from constant repair costs and keep everyone safer. Learn what you should be on the lookout for.

Awkward Noises

With a garage door, you should expect some level of noise when it's in operation. However, if you've had the door for some time and the door is either making new sounds or it's making the same sounds, but at a louder level than in the past, this is cause for concern.

For example, if you notice a knocking sound, this could mean that the door has buckled and is banging against the track as it moves. This is an especially common issue if your door is wood.

Lowered Curb Appeal

This final reason has everything to do with aesthetics. If you've painted your home, updated the trim, installed new windows and doors, but you still have the same old and outdated garage door – it might be time for an upgrade.

Even with all your other efforts, if the door looks bad, this can lower the curb appeal of the entire property, which can be troublesome if you're trying to sell. Whenever you make significant changes to the exterior, it's always a good idea to consider whether the door should be added to the list.

Safety Concerns

Whenever your garage door is posing a safety threat to your home, it's definitely time to reach out to a professional about a new door. If you're anything like the average homeowner, you likely leave the door inside your garage open.

If a burglar can easily gain access to the garage due to a deteriorating and worn door, you're basically giving them full access to your home, your family and everything you've worked so hard for. Don't ignore this issue and protect your home.

If you're experiencing these issues, or any other thing that is concerning, it's time to contact a professional company like Automatic Door Company. A technician will come out to your home, inspect the door and help you determine if your door needs to be repaired or if it's time for a replacement. Ensure you're taking action to ensure your door is functioning properly. 

About Me
Selecting The Right Garage Doors

My name is Everett Mason and last year I decided to have a large garage constructed so I wouldn't have to park my vehicles outside. When it was time to choose the garage doors for the building, I did a lot of research first because I didn't know anything about garage doors. Through my research, I learned about the different kinds that are available and I also viewed photos of the various styles that are made. I wanted garage doors that were durable and low maintenance, but also attractive. I am very pleased with my garage doors and I'm glad that I took the time to research them first. Before choosing your garage doors, read my blog so you'll be able to get the best ones for your needs.
